

Vodafone, a leading mobile telecommunications company, offers solutions for fixed telephone, data, Internet, security services, Data Center, CRM, etc. to customers across the globe. The business strategy of focusing on enterprise customers led the company to see rapid growth (87,000 companies). The company was able to boost its growth through focusing on enterprise customers, but faced challenges with efficiently scaling some of their business entities, such as call centers. Their call centers, with 150 agents, now had to handle a significantly higher workload but could not allow the customer service levels to be compromised as it could lead to attrition and potential loss of revenue.

The company was looking to increase call center efficiency and improve the overall quality of the customer service, but was facing challenges in doing so.

  • Inefficient process: To resolve customer queries, agents had to navigate through different applications and repetitively perform non-productive steps such as authentication, customer selection and screens results navigation.


Inefficient process: To resolve customer queries, agents had to navigate through different applications and repetitively perform non-productive steps such as authentication, customer selection and screens results navigation.

The company selected Denodo’s Data Virtualization platform to build a single customer view for the following reasons:

  • Diverse connectivity to disparate source systems helped to provide agents with a complete view of all customer data while minimizing replication.
  • Real-time (or right time) delivery of data allowed agents to work with the most current version of the data.

The Denodo platform was used to connect source systems that included Oracle databases containing customer data related to billing, subscriptions using JDBC and to the Incident management system using web services. This source data was combined within Denodo to create derived views or data services that were published to 3 major applications:

  • Application Service Management Contact Center - This application is integrated in the CTI and automatically queries the Denodo Platform with each incoming call, so the agent gets the customer information as the call is received.
  • Distributors Portal - This portal connects to the Denodo platform via a Java API and provides customer information to distributors.


Through deploying the Denodo Data Virtualization platform, Vodafone was able to increase the efficiency of their call centers and also improve the quality and speed of their customer service. This helped the company to realize the following business benefits:

  • Increased scalability of their data infrastructure systems to support business growth.
  • Greater revenue opportunities from upselling and cross-selling.

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Case Study: Vodafone

Vodafone reduces service response time by 66% and improves overall quality of customer service using Denodo Data Virtualization.



